We’ve got big plans. And we need your help to make them happen!
Anchored In Christ 004 | Christmas is for Sinners
It can be easy to get lost in the details of Scripture that we forget the big picture. Christmas is a good time to step back and marvel at what God has done for us in Christ Jesus.
Crucial Conversations 023 | Slavery is Freedom
God is a cosmic abuser. Mary, the mother of Jesus, is just one example of this. So say the critics and skeptics. But is that what is really going on with Mary? Or is it perhaps that we have an overdeveloped sense of our own autonomy and freedom?
Pastor Kevin Golden of Village Lutheran Church in Ladue, Missouri, joins us for this special Christmas episode.
Anchored In Christ 003 | Leap of Faith
When Elizabeth hears Mary’s voice, John leaps within her womb. How is this possible? How would John, an unborn baby, recognize the voice of Jesus’s mother? Pastor Matt Richard prepares you to teach Luke 1:39-45.
Crucial Conversations 022 | Divine Confusion
Much has been made about whether Christianity and Judaism have the same God. And if you don’t look at the question through the lens of Jesus, you will come up with the wrong answer.
Anchored In Christ 002 | Chosen by Grace
God chose Mary to bear His Son. But why? Was there something special about Mary? Some particular innate quality that only she had? Or was it something else? Pastor Richard tackles the Annunciation (Gabriel announcing to Mary) in Luke 1.
Crucial Conversations 021 | Prayer Myths
Praying. So easy to do. So easy to get wrong. But also so easy to get right! Easier than you might think, so settle back and listen in as Peter and Kevin teach on prayer and answer some listener questions about it.
Anchored in Christ 001 | John before Jesus
Why did John the Baptist precede Christ? Pastor Richard prepares you for this very question in this week’s Anchored in Christ. Also, this is the inaugural episode in partnership with Crucial Productions!
The Myth of Righteous Anger
“Anger belongs to God, not to us humans—and especially not to the disciples of Jesus. Anger is dangerous, and quickly leads to sin. So close is this connection that at times, being or becoming angry is simply equated with sin.”
Crucial Conversations 020 | Risking Death for Life
How far do we go to share the Gospel? Do we break laws? Do we risk death or take huge risks? What about those who have never heard the Gospel? What happens to them, even if they never even had a chance to hear it and reject it? Peter and Kevin discuss a current event and look at it through the lens of Jesus.