Since it’s Trinity Sunday, we get a primer on the Trinity while also studying John 3:13-15.
Crucial Conversations 035 | Creedal Lens
Last week we talked about how to understand the Athanasian Creed. This week we show you how to use the Athanasian Creed (or any of the Ecumenical Creeds, really) to understand the Bible!
Crucial Conversations 034 | The Longest Creed
You say it once a year. You probably roll your eyes and sigh your way through it because it’s sooooo long. But perhaps that’s only because you’ve been looking at it all wrong. What if the Athanasian Creed is actually so good that it could become your new favorite creed?
Bible Study @ OSL | John 3:1-15
The class covers John 3:1-15. Stopping just before what is perhaps the most famous verse in the Bible. Oh the suspense!
Anchored In Christ 015 | 4 Kinds of Funerals
When a pastor conducts a funeral, he does one of the hardest things of his calling. It’s hard to say goodbye to a saint of his congregation. Here are 4 ways to do that. But only one of them puts the focus in the right place and in the right way.
Crucial Conversations 033 | No Lone Ranger Christians
Can you preach the Gospel to yourself? That’s the question Peter and Kevin discuss today. It might sound like a minor question, but it has major implications.
Bible Study @ OSL | John 2 and 3
Dr. Kevin finishes John 2 and starts on chapter 3.
Bible Study @ OSL | Acts 10
Peter learns that God has made all things clean in Jesus. This has huge implications for the church.
Bible Study @ OSL | John 2:18-22
This week we read John 2:18-22. The disciples only understood Jesus after the resurrection. The Holy Spirit leads Jesus’ disciples into the truth just as Jesus promised. As a bonus we discussed the divinity of the Holy Spirit and the Athanasian Creed.
Bible Study @ OSL | John 2:13-17
People ask various questions and then we study John 2:13-17.