How does one begin explaining the Trinity? And where do we look in Scripture to see it? By now, it shouldn’t be any surprise that Peter and Kevin are going to start with Jesus!
Bible Study @ OSL | John 1:15-17
We discuss John the Baptizer as a faithful witness, God’s character in the Old Testament, especially in Exodus 33-34, and Jesus as grace upon grace.
Anchored In Christ 007 | Twisted Scripture
The devil’s first trick, and some might say his only trick, is to take the truth and twist it into a lie. And while he may have succeeded in deceiving Adam and Eve in this way, his twistings don’t work with Christ!
Crucial Conversations 026 | God Wants Me to Forgive THEM?
Forgiving someone is hard. It’s even harder when that person refuses to repent of their sin against you…or to even admit that they sinned at all! What is a Christian do do when this happens? Peter and Kevin talk through where the rubber hits the road in applying Law and Gospel to this situation.
Bible Study @ OSL | John 1:14
The eternal Word in human flesh. God and man. Divinity sanctifying human flesh. In Jesus, God comes to forgive our sins and to grant us eternal life with Him in the flesh. The glory and exaltation of God is tied to the cross of Jesus Christ. All for you.
Anchored In Christ 006 | The Pursuit of Sinners
Many who saw John’s baptism refused to repent of their sins. And yet Christ came to pursue sinners nonetheless. His baptism by John was the beginning of this!
Crucial Conversations 025 | Two Words
One thing you’ll hear Lutherans talk about a lot: rightly distinguishing Law and Gospel. But what does this mean and why does it matter? Is it really that big a deal? Um…yes! It’s actually a matter of life and death!
Anchored In Christ 005 | The Sign of the Gospel
Just as the magi had a sign that pointed them to Christ, so do we today! But ours isn’t a star in the sky. It’s much greater than that!
Crucial Conversations 024 | What Worldview Teaches That?
We’re back from our Christmas break with a new question to help you wrestle with what you believe and why. Talking through Romans 6 and what freedom truly means.
Bible Study @ OSL | John 1:11-13
We discuss God’s will that we become His children. We also discuss individualism, and some questions that we don’t know the answer to.
Sunday morning Bible study at Our Savior Lutheran Church, Fenton, Missouri. Taught by Dr. Kevin Armbrust.