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Bible Study @ OSL | John 1:6-13

We continue to discuss John’s prologue … This episode includes discussion of reliable witnesses, the Body of Christ vs. individualism, and the centrality of the cross.

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Bible Study @ OSL | John 1:1-3

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Learn about Jesus as the eternal Word of the Father, through whom all things were created. John presents the pre-incarnate Son of God, the second person of the Trinity, as the Creator in the beginning. This does not negate God the Father, but teaches the proper view of the Trinity, that there is one substance and three persons, as explained in the Creeds.

Sunday morning Bible study at Our Savior Lutheran Church, Fenton, Missouri. Taught by Dr. Kevin Armbrust.

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Bible Study @ OSL | Introduction to the Gospel of John

In this class, we examine the Gospel of John as a whole, concentrating on its author, date of writing and place in the NT canon. We also examine John 20:30-31.

Sunday morning Bible study at Our Savior Lutheran Church, Fenton, Missouri. Taught by Dr. Kevin Armbrust.

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God is Love

Love is primarily God’s action for mankind. Love is manifest in the gift of Jesus. And the focal point of Jesus is His death and resurrection for the forgiveness of our sins. This is love. This is God. This is Gospel.

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Crucial Conversations 023 | Slavery is Freedom

God is a cosmic abuser. Mary, the mother of Jesus, is just one example of this. So say the critics and skeptics. But is that what is really going on with Mary? Or is it perhaps that we have an overdeveloped sense of our own autonomy and freedom?

Pastor Kevin Golden of Village Lutheran Church in Ladue, Missouri, joins us for this special Christmas episode.

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Anchored In Christ 003 | Leap of Faith

When Elizabeth hears Mary’s voice, John leaps within her womb. How is this possible? How would John, an unborn baby, recognize the voice of Jesus’s mother? Pastor Matt Richard prepares you to teach Luke 1:39-45.