We just sent out our end-of-year email with some pretty exciting updates from this past year.
Crucial Conversations 054 | The Work of Christ (Christology 101)
This is the discussion of Jesus’ works…as his two natures are involved with his person. Also known as the genus apotelesmaticum. Which is the Latin the Church has used to talk about this. But don’t let that scare you!
Bible Study @ OSL | John 6:15-21
Dr. Kevin covers John 6:15-21 this week.
Crucial Conversations 053 | The Two Natures in Christ (Christology 101)
We started digging in to the two natures in Christ last week. We continue that journey today by studying the genus idiomaticum.
Bible Study @ OSL | John 6.1-14
After being away last week for Thanksgiving, Dr. Kevin goes through the beginning of chapter 6.
ANNOUNCEMENT! LCMS Recognized Service Organization status approved!
We are very excited to announce that, effective December 2, 2019, we have been granted Recognized Service Organization status with the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. This is a big deal for us and we are grateful for the trust and collaboration extended to us by our denomination. To learn more about what it means to be an RSO, visit http://www.lcms.org/RSO. Crucial …
Crucial Conversations 052 | Brain Pain Theology (Christology 101)
There is joy in working through and understanding difficult theological subjects. Because we are getting to know our Savior better when we do.
Bible Study @ OSL | John 6 and the Lord’s Supper
Dr. Kevin answers questions about the Lord’s Supper as the study continues in John 6.
Bible in 5 | Habakkuk
Habakkuk teaches us that the righteous will live by faith. We believe God’s promises. When it looks as though He’s doing nothing, when it looks as though evil is winning, we trust God’s promises because they are kept in Christ.
Anchored In Christ 020 | Confession is Critical
There are a lot of things we do to avoid confessing our sin…