Crucial Conversations 068 | How Do I Read and Understand the Bible? (Hermeneutics 101)

How we read and understand the Bible is about more than the Bible. It’s about life itself. With this episode, Peter and Kevin start a new series on hermeneutics, or, how we interpret things.

Presented by Crucial Productions – Teaching you Christianity so you can pass it on.

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  1. I stopped reading the Bible when I became a Lutheran. Was an enthusiast that read the Bible 2-3 times a year. Being properly taught the truth through the Small Catechism, I knew I would not read it again, because of my wanting to interpret it into what I wanted. I’ve heard the word hermeneutics in Lutheran circles but I never understood how to use it until I heard your podcast. Please continue on with the series. If you have a counter on how many times that episode played, you’ll see that I did a marathon listening session. Thanks.

    1. We’ll definitely be continuing the series. Hoping to record a couple episodes this week so that we can get ahead and a bit more consistent with releasing them!

      And I totally get what you are saying. I had the same problem as a new Lutheran. I found myself simply relying on the “experts”. I think you’ll love the series! And we definitely encourage everyone to read the Bible for themselves, even if they struggle with their understanding of it. That’s what we are all here for – to encourage fellow Christians!

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