Bible Study @ OSL | John 3:13-15 and the Trinity Dr. Kevin Armbrust Bible Study @ OSL, Podcast June 17, 2019
Crucial Conversations 075 | How to Understand Jesus and the Woman at the Well (Hermeneutics 101) Crucial Productions Crucial Conversations, Podcast December 30, 2020
Bible Study | Sons, Not Slaves (Galatians 4) Crucial Productions Bible Study, Podcast December 15, 2021
Bible Study | What does it mean to be crucified with Christ? (Galatians 2) Dr. Kevin Armbrust Bible Study, Podcast October 26, 2021
View Post Anchored In Christ 027 | The Wee Little Man Just like Zacchaeus, we try to climb up to see God. And we’re often more creative than just climbing a tree.